Rabbi Zalman Goldstein
Publisher: The Jewish Learning Group
Kosher is in. And going kosher has just become easier than ever before!
"GOING KOSHER IN 30 DAYS" will teach the simply curious and those seriously considering going kosher all the whys and hows of kosher. Over eleven million people will buy kosher food this year, and the numbers are growing. Today, more than 100,000 food products are kosher certified, with the average supermarket carrying nearly 25,000 kosher items. Learn what others have discovered. Keeping kosher is an extraordinary experience with countless physical and spiritual rewards.
Set your own pace, advancing through GOING KOSHER IN 30 DAYS one day at a time. You'll learn everything you need to know, from the early origins of kosher law, to how to bring kosher practice into your daily life. This book contains everything you need to launch your own personal path to kosher observance.
Begin GOING KOSHER IN 30 DAYS today and live kosher with greater understanding and deeper satisfaction.
THE 30 DAYS APPETIZER: AN OVERVIEW Day 1. The History & Origin of Kosher Law Day 2. The Spiritual Side of Kosher Living Day 3. 3,300 Years of Kosher Living Day 4. For the Record: Common Misconceptions Day 5. Basic Kosher Concepts Day 6. Definitions of Common Kosher Terms
FIRST COURSE: PLANNING Day 7. The Personal Impact of Going Kosher Day 8. Preparing Yourself & Your Family Day 9. Making a Practical Plan Day 10. First Steps in Going Kosher Day 11. Transforming the Kitchen Day 12. Countertops, Appliances, Sinks & Ovens Day 13. Pots, Pans, Dishware, Glassware, Cutlery, Etc. Day 14. Immersion of Utensils in a Mikvah Day 15. Reciting Blessings Before & After Eating
MAIN COURSE: SHOPPING KOSHER Day 16. Shopping Kosher Day 17. Kosher Supervision & Certification Day 18. The Butcher, Baker & Grocer Day 19. Meat, Poultry & Meat Products Day 20. Milk & Dairy Products Day 21. Fish & Fish Products Day 22. Fruits, Vegetables, Nuts, Eggs & Pareve Day 23. Bread & Baked Goods Day 24. Wine, Beer & Whisky Day 25. Vitamins, Medications & Miscellany Day 26. Kosher for Passover
DESSERT: EATING OUT & MORE Day 27. Restaurants, Traveling & Kosher Out of the House Day 28. Domestic Help in the Kitchen Day 29. Shabbat & Jewish Holidays Day 30. Going Kosher: Ready, Set, Go!
TAKE HOME: TOOL BOX Inspirational Readings Recommended Reading
Going Kosher Step By Step: A Guide for the `Kosher-Perplexed' By Tzivia Emmer (12/30/2007)
More than 11 million people today are buying kosher food, according to Rabbi Zalman Goldstein, the author of Going Kosher in 30 Days: An EasyStep-by-Step Guide for the Rest of Us. It's not difficult to keep kosher, he says, once your make it a part of your life.
But how do you do this if you don't have the experience of living in a kosher home? Where do you begin? How do you wade through the guidelines without being overwhelmed? And most of all -- how can you be sure it's worth the effort? Going kosher is not a snap decision; it requires thought and preparation.
Fortunately, Rabbi Goldstein has been able to step into the shoes of those who are not familiar with what it's like to keep kosher, or never understood its principles. He has created a user-friendly guide that leads the reader step-by-step to an understanding of all the basics, from the biblical origin of the Jewish dietary laws to their practical application today.
The book is organized into a 30-day education for beginners, but will hold the interest of anyone interested in Judaism. From Kabbalistic insights into the spiritual basis of the kosher laws to practical advice for people in varying circumstances (families, singles, college students, etc.), Rabbi Goldstein has addressed just about all the concerns and questions that may come up along the way.
Keeping kosher, he explains, is not just about separating meat and dairy or avoiding non-kosher foods. It's about tuning in to the potential of the Jewish soul, about having the power "to enable all creation to soar higher than any individual component of the material order can do individually."
After a brief historical overview that places kosher observance in the context of the experience of previous generation, when keeping kosher was truly a challenge, Going Kosher in 30 Days addresses some common misconceptions that people have -- like the idea that kosher has to do with cleanliness or that it means a rabbi blesses the food. It includes an explanation of what kosher agencies do and a glossary of Hebrew and Yiddish terms relating to the kosher laws.
It will naturally take time to get one's kitchen ready for the changeover to keeping kosher, and the book provides a practical checklist, breaking it down so that one will know exactly what to do in a reasonable order and timeframe. "Day 7," for example, lays out just what to expect -- a chance "to look before you leap."
"Day 9" provides a list of the specific steps to take for transforming the kitchen. It's the first chapter that introduces more than a day's worth of actual tasks. It can be read quickly, but implementation will in fact be spread over the ensuing days or weeks. To make it even easier, there's "Day 10" which outlines some of the very simplest first steps to take.
Although his tone is encouraging and non-judgmental, it's clear that the end goal is true kosher observance. This isn't "kosher-lite" but the real thing. As the author observes, "In the Torah they're called commandments, not options..."
In addition, "going kosher" can be a gateway to "going more Jewish." An added bonus in the book is a guide to the blessings over various types of food and an overview of the Jewish festivals. As the introduction points out, there are lots of books about the kosher laws and Jewish observance and lots of kosher cookbooks. But anyone looking for an introduction to kosher living that's both comprehensive and authentic, Going Kosher in 30 Days is a great place to start.
The question will probably arise: "Can you really do it all in 30 days?" The answer is "yes and no." The chapters can easily be read day by day in the course of a month, although it's just as likely that someone eager for knowledge will sit down and read the whole thing through at once, going back later to absorb and apply the information. So the pace is optional, but the well-thought-out, gradual approach will make it manageable and doable for everyone.
The book is the latest in Rabbi Goldstein's Jewish Learning Group series, which also includes The Shabbat Table Companion, The Passover Seder Table Companion, and others. The series is designed to make authentic Jewish practice accessible "for the rest of us."
