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The Prince of Steel Pier Rebbe's Mussar Stories on the Parashah The Dangerous Journey: A boy's adventure in czarist Russia
The Yom Kippur Book - Better Than Before The Churban: The Story of the destruction of the Second Beis HaMikdash Hashem's Magnificent Machines: How New Ideas Merely Copy The Creator
Ruvy's Startling Discovery What A Story! -  for Children The Way it Was: During World War II
The Wonders of Creation: Marvels of Our World The Wasome Itche Kadoozy Show: All The Greatest Episode Scripts Are Inside Excitement in Halacha #3: Astonishing Creatures
The Taryag Kids and the Underwater Adventure  - Comics What One Person Can Achieve -- Rav Chaim Kanievsky Uncle Yossi's Grand Story Collection: A treasury of classic Jewish tales for all ages
Book of Amazing Facts and Feats The Book of Amazing Facts and Feats #4 The Book of Amazing Facts and Feats #2
The Book of Amazing Facts and Feats #5