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Pathways to God: Torah, Society, and State
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Parashas HaMahn: Its Enduring Message of Parnassah and Bitachon
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Ein Yaakov: Zevachim / Menachos/ Chullin / Bechoros / Arachin / Temurah / Kerisos / Meilah / Tamid / Middos / Kinnim: The Aggadah of the Talmud with a comprehensive, annotated interpretive elucidation and additional insights
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Micro Peas - The Mini Cookbook Series: Boneless Chicken
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Targum Onkelos - Pocket Size 10 Volume Paperback Slipcased Set
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Rav Druck on Chumash - Shemos: Unlocking the treasures of the Torah
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The Elucidated Rashi on Chumash - Shemos volume 1: Shemos Yisro: The Torah with Rashi's commentary translated, annotated, and elucidated
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Kli Yakar Shemos Volume 1 - the Commentary of Rabbi Shlomo Ephraim Luntschitz Translated, Annotated, and Elucidated
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Shomer Emunim: The Introduction to Kabbalah - Second Edition
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The Spiritual Wisdom of Rav Kook: A New Collection of Writings
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Food You Love Slipcased Set
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Around the Year in Halachah: A clear, concise, and comprehensive guide to the seasonal halachos for the entire family
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Eternal Fire: The fire and passion of the legendary Mechanech Rav Shmuel Kaufman
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Reb Dovid, Volume 2: Rav Meshulam Dovid HaLevi Soloveichik - Continuing the Brisker dynasty
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Let Me Ask You A Question: Engaging Q&A on the Parshah and Nach
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Happiness in the Face of Adversity: Powerful Torah ideas from a Mom's parting words
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Soul Purpose: Your daily dose of wisdom from Pirkei Avot
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Miracle Baby: 88 Years Old... He Never Lost Hope. Rav Zvi Kushelevsky's Story of Tefillah, Emunah and Miracles
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Infinite Love: Opening Your Heart to Ahavas HaShem
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A Heart for Another: First-Person Stories, Torah Insights, and Memories of Extraordinary People, and Extraordinary Times
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The Power of Shema: Illuminating The Path To Faith And Love
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Ghosts of a Holy War: The 1929 Massacre in Palestine That Ignited the Arab-Israeli Conflict
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The Rational Bible: Numbers: God and Man in the Wilderness
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Nafshi BiShe'elati: The Halakhot of Mental Health
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Conceived in Hope: The Struggles of Biblical Mothers in the Tapestry of Redemption
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Living in the Presence: A Personal Quest for the Baal Shem Tov
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Matzah and Flour: Recipes from the History of the Sephardic Jews
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Kotzk: The Rebbe, The Message, The Legacy
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Amos: The Genius of Prophetic Rhetoric
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Contemporary Halakhic Problems VIII
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Morning Has Broken: Faith After October 7th
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Chutzpah Girls
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Days of Gratitude, Days of Triumph: Discovering the Gifts of Chanukah, Tu B'Shevat and Purim
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Kisvei HaRambam Volume 2: Conduct and Character: The Writings of Rabbi Moshe ben Maimon - The Rambam - Translated, Annotated and Elucidated
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Living With Miracles: Stories That Inspire and Illuminate Your Life
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More Food You Love That Loves You Back
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Festivals of Faith - Chanukah and the Winter Months: Connect and grow with the Jewish Year by discovering its essence
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Emunah in the Parsha
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Guardians of the Flame: A historical fiction about the wars of the Maccabim
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Exploring Halachic Dilemmas of War and Terror: Discussions of Issues in our Perilous Times
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The Gates of Gaza: A Story of Betrayal, Survival, and Hope in Israel's Borderlands
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If You Will It: Rebuilding Jewish Peoplehood for the 21st Century
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Israel Alone
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A Mysterious Guest for Dinner: Exploring Talmudic Narratives
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God Shall Be One: Reenvisioning Judaism's Approach to Other Religions
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How Bitachon Works: The path to tranquility in everyday moments and extraordinary times
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Treasures from the Hirsch Chumash, 2 Volume Boxed Set: Timeless selections from Rav Samson Raphael Hirsch's classic commentary
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Ateres Mordechai on the Torah, 2 Volume Set
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