Rabbi Chaim Walder, Ahuva Raanan
Sometimes Mommy worries, and sometimes Mommy is emotional, Sometimes Mommy feels sad, and sometimes Mommy feels satisfied. When Avi doesn't listen to her she feels angry, and when he calms Tammy she feels happy. When something hurts Avi Mommy is sympathetic, when Avi fights with Tammy Mommy may feel disappointed but Mommy always, always loves.
The most significant influence on the development of a child is his relationship with his parents. The stronger the relationship, the more likely it is that the lessons that the parents impart to the child will be accepted.
A strong relationship between two people requires communication. This includes awareness, expression and perception of one another's feelings. When a parent conveys a feeling that is not expressed sufficiently, or when a child does not perceive a feeling correctly, the wrong message may be received. Worry can translate into anger, anger can seem to be rejection, indecision may appear as weakness, emotion as sadness, etc.
Stories Straight from Mommy's Heart opens a window into the hearts of mothers (as well as fathers). These stories will help parents teach their children the language of feelings, resulting in clearer expression, sharper perception, and enhanced communication.
Rabbi Chaim Walder, author of the bestselling Kids Speak<.i> series, is a writer and educational consultant. He is a director of Hamercaz Leyeled u'Lemishpacha (Child and Family Center) in Bnei Brak, Israel, and recipient of the 2003 Prime Minister's Magen Leyeled ("Protector of the Child") award.
Ahuva Raanan has a Master's degree in special education. She is an educational counselor and consultant, directs continuing education programs for preschool and elementary school teachers, develops learning programs, and writes textbooks for young children.
Parents and children will gain valuable tools from this unique book, co-authored by a renowned children's writer who focuses on the inner world of the child, and an expert in special education and textbook writer who combines in her writing her professionalism and her great experience in the field.
