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The Hebrew Months in the Shemoneh Esrei: The twelve months and the twelve middle blessings
The Hebrew Months in the Shemoneh Esrei: The twelve months and the twelve middle blessings
Our Price: $30.99
Publisher: Artscroll
Author: Zvi Ryzman
Format: Hardcover

Product Code: 16515

Who would have imagined that the middle blessings of Shemoneh Esrei are related to and interact with the Hebrew months? But in this fascinating book, R' Zvi Ryzman shows that they are indeed related and very closely so. The author integrates a wide variety of sources, from the Talmud and Midrash to the classic exponents of Chassidic and Mussar thought, including the works of contemporary Torah thinkers. He weaves them all together in tapestry that is engrossing and extraordinary. The depth and quality of the reader's Shemoneh Esrei will be immeasurably improved.

This book is unique and its author is a marvel. R' Zvi Ryzman of Los Angeles insists that he not be described as a rabbi, although he is in the top ranks Torah scholars. He calls himself an ish asakim, a businessman. Indeed he is the embodiment of the Rabbinic teaching that one should combine Torah with commerce - yet he gives priority to the beis midrash over the office. Reb Zvika is a scholar, teacher, lecturer, author, and philanthropist. He is a winner of the Jerusalem Prize for his many Hebrew volumes of Ratz KaTzvi. His halachah shiurim in Israel and America are attended and acclaimed by renowned rabbinic leaders. He has a fertile mind, is an original thinker and has a passion to share his brilliance with others, through the written and spoken word.

In this book he explains how the Hebrew months are filled with fascination and meaning. The reader will marvel at the connection between the yearly cycle and Shemoneh Esrei- and never look at his Siddur or calendar the same way

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