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The Mishnah Elucidated
The Mishnah Elucidated
The Mishnah Elucidated features:

  • Full vowelized Hebrew text of the Mishnah, and full text of "the Rav's" (Rabbeinu Ovadiah of Bertinoro) classic Mishnah commentary.
  • Phrase-by-phrase translation and elucidation, following the Schottenstein Edition Talmud format, based on the interpretation of Rabbeinu Ovadiah of Bertinoro, adds words and phrases to make the Mishnah text read smoothly and clearly.
  • Notes to clarify and explain the Mishnah further by drawing on the Gemara or other classic Mishnah commentaries.
  • General introductions to each masechta discuss many important concepts.
  • Many detailed diagrams and illustrations

Item# Item Name List Price Our Price Qty Add
16579-S The Mishnah Elucidated - Complete 23 Volume Set
16579-K1 The Mishnah Elucidated - Seder Kodashim Volume 1 Tractates: Eduyos, Avodah Zarah, Avos and Horayos
16579-K2 The Mishnah Elucidated - Seder Kodashim Volume 2 Tractates: Chullin, Bechoros and Arachin
16579-K3 The Mishnah Elucidated - Seder Kodashim Volume 3 Tractates: Temurah, Kerisos, Me'ilah, Tamid, Middos and Kinnim
16579-M1 The Mishnah Elucidated - Seder Moed Volume 1 Tractates: Shabbos and Eruvin
16579-M2 The Mishnah Elucidated - Seder Moed Volume 2 Tractates: Pesachim, Shekalim, Yoma, Succah
16579-M3 The Mishnah Elucidated - Seder Moed Volume 3 Tractates: Beitzah, Rosh Hashanah, Taanis, Megillah, Moed Katan, Chagigah
16579-N1 The Mishnah Elucidated - Seder Nashim Volume 1 Tractates: Yevamos and Kesubos
16579-N2 The Mishnah Elucidated - Seder Nashim Volume 2 Tractates: Nedarim and Nazir
16579-N3 The Mishnah Elucidated - Seder Nashim Volume 3 Tractates: Sotah, Gittin and Kiddushin
16579-NZ1 The Mishnah Elucidated - Seder Nezikin Volume 1 Tractates: Bava Kamma and Bava Metzia
16579-NZ2 The Mishnah Elucidated - Seder Nezikin Volume 2 Tractates: Bava Basra, Sanhedrin, Makkos and Shevuos
16579-NZ3 The Mishnah Elucidated - Seder Nezikin Volume 3 Tractates: Eduyos, Avodah Zarah, Avos and Horayos
16579-T1 The Mishnah Elucidated - Seder Tohoros Volume 1 Tractates: Keilim Chapters 1-16
16579-T2 The Mishnah Elucidated - Seder Tohoros Volume 2 Tractates: Keilim Chapters 17- 30
16579-T3 The Mishnah Elucidated - Seder Tohoros Volume 3 Tractates: Oholos
16579-T4 The Mishnah Elucidated - Seder Tohoros Volume 4 Tractates: Negaim / Parah
16579-T5 The Mishnah Elucidated - Seder Tohoros Volume 5 Tractates: Tohoros / Mikvaos
16579-T6 The Mishnah Elucidated - Seder Tohoros Volume 6 Tractates: Niddah / Machshirin
16579-T7 The Mishnah Elucidated - Seder Tohoros Volume 7 Tractates: Zavim / Tevul Yom / Yadayim / Uktzin
16579-Z1 The Mishnah Elucidated - Seder Zeraim Volume 1 Tractates: Berachos, Peah and Demai
16579-Z2 The Mishnah Elucidated - Seder Zeraim Volume 2 Tractates: Kilayim and Sheviis
16579-Z3 The Mishnah Elucidated - Seder Zeraim Volume 3 Tractates: Terumos & Maasros
16579-Z4 The Mishnah Elucidated - Seder Zeraim Volume 4 Tractates: Maaser Sheni / Challah / Orlah / Bikkurim
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