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Battle Plans
Battle Plans
Our Price: $30.99

Product Code: 12538

by: Rebbitzin Tziporah Heller

We've all met the yetzer hara, the inclination to do evil that is wired into every human being. We've been tempted, we've fought - and sometimes we've fallen.

Acclaimed author, lecturer and educator Rebbetzin Tziporah Heller and Sara Yoheved Rigler, bestselling author of Holy Woman andLights from Jerusalem, join together to offer a remarkable collection of strategies to defeat the yetzer hara as it tries to defeat us.

Drawing upon the eternal wisdom of Torah sages throughout the ages - Rabbi Yehudah Lowe, the Maharal; Rabbi Moshe Chaim Luzzatto, author of Mesillas Yesharim; Chassidic masters and great Mussar personalities - the authors combine profound scholarship with a deep and insightful understanding of our lives to give us effective, practical strategies to defeat the enemy within us.

Battle Plans offers us a stunning combination of Torah wisdom, practical advice, true-life stories, and more than fifty "strategies" of war. As we implement these strategies, which have been recommended by our Torah sages, we will see that we can beat the yetzer hara!

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