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A Taste of Pesach: Trusted Favorites, Simple Preparation, Magnificent Results
A Taste of Pesach: Trusted Favorites, Simple Preparation, Magnificent Results
Our Price: $36.99
Publisher: Artscroll
Format: Hardcover

Product Code: 14995

The authors of Yeshiva Me'on HaTorah's wildly popular A Taste of Pesach mailings have put together a complete collection of kosher for Pesach family favorites in a magnificently presented, down-to-earth compilation you will find yourself referring to again and again.

The stunning, full-color photography and clear, easy-to-read layout are a treat for the eyes; while delicious, mouthwatering recipes are a treat for the palate.

Using familiar ingredients, A Taste of Pesach offers fabulous, easy-to-prepare recipes and gourmet presentations that family and friends will find irresistible on Pesach and year round.

A Taste of Pesach incorporates timeless classics that have been used for generations and modern cuisine to present a cookbook that appeals to young and old alike.

These are recipes that you will love to cook, serve and enjoy year after year.

  • Over 150 tried-and-true recipes for Pesach and year round
  • Stunning, full-color photographs accompany every recipe
  • Triple-tested recipes allow you to cook with confidence
  • Breathtaking layout, clear design
  • Over 140 gluten-free (non Gebrokts) recipes
  • Cross-referenced index to help you find your favorite recipes

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