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Schottenstein Talmud Bavli - Daf Yomi English Individual Volumes
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1. BERACHOS Volume I: Ch. 1-4 Folios 2a-30b
2. BERACHOS Volume II: Ch. 5-9 Folios 30b-64a
3. SHABBOS Volume I: Ch. 1-2 Folios 2a-36a
4. SHABBOS Volume II: Ch. 3-7 Folios 36b-76b
5. SHABBOS Volume III: Ch. 8-15 Folios 76b-115a
6. SHABBOS Volume IV: Ch. 16-24 Folios 115a-157b
7. ERUVIN Volume I: Ch. 1-4 Folios 2a-52b
8. ERUVIN Volume II: Ch. 5-10 Folios 52b-105a
9. PESACHIM Volume I: Ch. 1-2 Folios 2a-42a
10. PESACHIM Volume II: Ch. 3-7 Folios 42a-80b
11. PESACHIM Volume III: Ch. 7-10 Folios 80b-121b
12. SHEKALIM Complete in 1 vol. Ch. 1-8 Folios 2a-22b
13. YOMA Volume I: Ch. 1-4 Folios 2a-46b
14. YOMA Volume II: Ch. 5-8 Folios 47a-88a
15. SUCCAH Volume I: Ch. 1-2 Folios 2a-29b
16. SUCCAH Volume II: Ch. 3-5 Folios 29a-56b
17. BEITZAH Complete in 1 vol. Ch. 1-5 Folios 2a-40b
18. ROSH HASHANAH Complete in 1 vol. Ch. 1-4 Folios 2a-35a
19. TAANIS Complete in 1 vol. Ch. 1-4 Folios 2a-31a
20. MEGILLAH Complete in 1 vol. Ch. 1-4 Folios 2a-32a
21. MOED KATAN Complete in 1 vol. Ch. 1-3 Folios 2a-29a
22. CHAGIGAH Complete in 1 vol. Ch. 1-3 Folios 2a-27a
23. YEVAMOS Volume I: Ch. 1-4 Folios 2a-41a
24. YEVAMOS Volume II: Ch. 4-8 Folios 41a-84a
25. YEVAMOS Volume III: Ch. 9-16 Folios 84a-122b
26. KESUBOS Volume I: Ch. 1-3 Folios 2a-41b
27. KESUBOS Volume II: Ch. 3-7 Folios 41b-77b
28. KESUBOS Volume III: Ch. 8-13 Folios 78a-112b
29. NEDARIM Volume I: Ch. 1-4 Folios 2a-45a
30. NEDARIM Volume II: Ch. 5-11 Folios 45b-91b
31. NAZIR Volume I: Ch. 1-5 Folios 2a-34a
32. NAZIR Volume II: Ch. 6-9 Folios 34a-66b
33a. SOTAH Volume I: Ch. 1-4 Folios 2a-27b
33b. SOTAH Volume II: Ch. 5-9 Folios 27b-49b
34. GITTIN Volume I: Ch. 1-4 Folios 2a-48b
35. GITTIN Volume II: Ch. 5-9 Folios 48b-90b
36. KIDDSHIN Volume I: Ch. 1 Folios 2a-41a
37. KIDDSHIN Volume II: Ch. 2-4 Folios 41a-82b
38. BAVA KAMMA Volume I: Ch. 1-3 Folios 2a-36a
39. BAVA KAMMA Volume II: Ch. 4-7 Folios 36a-83a
40. BAVA KAMMA Volume III: Ch. 8-10 Folios 83b-119b
41. BAVA METZIA Volume I: Ch. 1-3 Folios 2a-44a
42. BAVA METZIA Volume II: Ch. 4-6 Folios 44a-83a
43. BAVA METZIA Volume III: Ch. 7-10 Folios 83a-119a
44. BAVA BASRA Volume I: Ch. 1-3 Folios 2a-60b
45. BAVA BASRA Volume II: Ch. 4-8 Folios 61a-116b
46. BAVA BASRA Volume III: Ch. 8-10 Folios 116b-179b
47. SANHEDRIN Volume I: Ch. 1-5 Folios 2a-42a
48. SANHEDRIN Volume II: Ch. 6-9 Folios 42b-84a
49. SANHEDRIN Volume III: Ch. 10-11 Folios 84b-113b
50. MAKKOS Complete in 1 vol. Ch. 1-3 Folios 2a-24b
51. SHEVUOS Complete in 1 vol. Ch. 1-8 Folios 2a-49b
52. AVODAH ZARA Volume I: Ch. 1-2 Folios 2a-40b
53. AVODAH ZARA Volume II: Ch. 3-5 Folios 40b-76b
54. HORAYOS / EDUYOS Complete in 1 vol.
55. ZEVACHIM Volume I: Ch. 1-3 Folios 2a-36b
56. ZEVACHIM Volume II: Ch. 4-8 Folios 36b-83a
57. ZEVACHIM Volume III: Ch. 9-14 Folios 83a-120b
58. MENACHOS Volume I: Ch. 1-3 Folios 2a-38a
59. MENACHOS Volume II: Ch. 4-7 Folios 38a-72b
60. MENACHOS Volume III: Ch. 8-13 Folios 72b-110a
61. CHULLIN Volume I: Ch. 1-2 Folios 2a-42a
62. CHULLIN Volume II: Ch. 3 Folios 42a-67b
63. CHULLIN Volume III: Ch. 4-7 Folios 68a-103b
64. CHULLIN Volume IV: Ch. 8-12 Folios 103b-142a
65. BECHOROS Volume I:Ch. 1-4 Folios 2a-31a
66. BECHOROS Volume II: Ch. 5-9 Folios 31a-61a
67. ARACHIN Complete in 1 vol. Ch. 1-9 Folios 2a-34a
68. TEMURAH Complete in 1 vol. Ch. 1-7 Folios 2a-34a
69. KEREISOS Complete in 1 vol. Ch. 1-6 Folios 2a-28b
70. MEILAH / KINNIM / TAMID / MIDDOS Complete in 1 vol.
71. NIDDAH Volume I: Ch. 1-4 Folios 2a-39b
72. NIDDAH Volume II: Ch. 5-10 Folios 40a-73a
Publisher: Artscroll
Open the Schottenstein Edition and step into a "study hall without walls." Feel the electricity, the excitement, the profundity, the beauty of the Talmudic experience! Let the Talmud open your eyes to the wonders of the Torah. Acclaimed by a broad spectrum of roshei yeshivah, scholars, and laymen around the world, this series lets you join the world of Abaye and Rava without oversimplification, without extraneous material, without turgidity. It's clear. It's accurate. It's challenging. It's authentic.
Every word of the text appears, vowelized and translated
Each phrase is explained so that the reader understands the reasoning and flow
Each question, answer, proof and rebuttal is introduced so that the reader will know where the Gemara is taking him
Notes expand on the explanation of the Gemara's points, and explain unfamiliar ideas without interrupting the flow of the text
Detailed diagrams
Introductions to the entire tractate and to each topic, wherever necessary
Glossary explains key expressions in each tractate
Rashi headings in bold type * Each translation page faces Gemara page of the classic Vilna Shas
7" x 10" page size
Acid-free paper
Magnificent specially sculpted cover
Reinforced deluxe library binding for long use
Available in:
Daf Yomi Size English 73 Volume Set
Daf Yomi Size English Individual Volumes
Full Size English 73 Volume Set
Full Size English Individual Volumes
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